janardana aksara
ur future boyfriend
Hi, my sweetheart. Here you talk to the clingy boy. Firstly, I want to introduce myself. My name is Janardana Aksara, you can call me Arda, Dana, Aksa or whatever you want. But, I would love getting a special name, especially from you.I can be your mood maker, I can be your baby and can be your fierce daddy if you being naughty. I also can be your guardian if someone bothering you. But, I can get easily jealous and be a possessive bf sometimes. Sweet talker, talkative, good listener, bahkan gue bisa jadi jamet. Gue bisa jadi apa aja yang kalian mau.Ngomongin soal zodiak, Cancer zodiak gue yang bukan rahasia lagi kalo Cancer anaknya bulol parah dan buat MBTI gue ENFP jadi tenang aja, kalian ga bakalan mati topik kalau sama gue.Gue suka dengerin Chase Atlantic, Cigarettes After Sex, The Weeknd dan Arctic Monkeys, I will say "I love you" and tell you about how much I love you everytime. I want to tell you something really important, that you're the best for me. Come for me if you need someone who's giving you a lot of affection and loving yourself truly madly, I will keep you warm in my pocket. Last but not least, I want to tell you to start loving yourself, or I'll do it for you? Let's meet on our delightful roomchat, let me color your day and give you a lot of my love.
- Pembayaran di lakukan di awal untuk mengindari Hit dan Run.
- Jam kerja (08.00-21.00) = 1 hari
- Menerima segala jenis akun RP/BA/CA
- Saling menjaga privasi satu sama lain
- Menerima BxB, BxG, Bestie and Family
- Platform : Telegram, Whatsapp and Twitter
- Minimum duration rent: 3 hours. Tidak ada maksimal rent.
- I'm not available for voice note/call/video call.
- Untuk movie date menggunakan aplikasi Rave.
- Tidak masalah jika ingin membahas rl, tapi diharapkan untuk tetap dalam batasan. Mari saling menjaga dan menghargai privasi masing-masing.
- Payment : Spay, Dana and Via Bank.
1. Hourly (4k/hour)2. Regular (8K/day)
include pet name req and affections. take 3 client3. VIP (14k/day)
include face claim req, pet name req, in character, pap activity, stay up late 1 hour, and affections, take more than 1 cust.4. VVIP (22k/day)
include face claim req, pet name req, typing req, affections, PDA, stay up late 1 hour, pap activity, in character, and only take 1 cust
FREE SERVICE- Req face claim
- Req typing
- Req pet name
- Req personality
Stay Up Late (10 P.M - 02 A.M) = 3000/hour
Movie date (only rave) = 5000/movie
Public Display of Affection (PDA) = 4000/days
Put Bio / Location = 3000/session
ONS = 15.000/2 hour
Icon Couple = 2000/hour
Food Date = bills on you
Twt usn:
Platform: (mohon diisi dengan id dan nomor yang benar)
Relationship: (BxG, BxB, brother, bestie)
Req face claim:
Req typing: (lo-gue, aku-kamu, etc)
Pet name: (babe, sayang, etc)
Rent package: (hour, Reg, Vip, or VVIP)
Date start-end:
Add service:
Desc ur type:
Desc abt urself:(Mohon diisi dengan amat detail agar tidak ada miscommunication. Jika ada pertanyaan mengenai form atau apa pun yang bersangkutan dengan penyewaan, bisa ditanya langsung.)